Fatoumata SOUMAH, 13 years old
Fatoumata Soumah is in the 5th grade at the Victor Hugo School.
Her mother, Yarie, is a vegetable seller in Guinea’s capital Conakry.
Fatoumata is an intelligent young girl who loves mathematics.
She says she wants to become a doctor when she grows up.

Mariama CIRÉ, 16 years old
Mariama Ciré soumah is 16 years old. She’s in the 4th grade at the Victor Hugo school in Conakry.
Her mother Mama Aissata Soumah is a thrift store seller at the Matoto market in Conakry. She is very involved in the education of her daughter.
Mariama’s favourite subject in school is history and later, her dream is to become a Journalist.

Halimatou and Kadiatou DIALLO, 15 and 6 years old
15-year-old Halimatou Diallo and 6-year-old Kadiatou Diallo are sisters who are attending “La Farandole” school in Conakry. Halimatou is a happy girl who is full of energy. Her little sister Kadiatou is shy. Their mother Hawa Bah is a seamstress in Conakry. She barely earns 50 euros a month and therefore does not have the opportunity to put her daughters in a good school. Halimatou and Kadiatou have been supported by our Foundation since December 1, 2020.

Oumou KEBE, 6 years old
Oumou Kebe is 6 years old and is enrolled in grade 1 at the Saint Georges school in Conakry. Her mother Fatoumata Kaba is a housemaid. Her dream has always been to enroll her daughter in a private school so that she can have access to quality education. Oumou is a cheerful and smiling girl. She will be supported by Foundation until the end of her secondary school lessons.

Kadiatou BARRY, 8 years old
Kadiatou Barry is an 8-year-old student our Foundation has been supporting since December 1, 2020. She’s enrolled in 2nd year (CE1) at the Saint Georges School in Conakry. Her mother Souadou Barry, is a single mother who raises her three children alone by selling charcoal in the market. Kadiatou is a smart and courageous girl who loves arithmetic!

Adama Oury & Djenaba CAMARA, 8 and 10 years old
Adama Oury and Djenaba are sisters who are aged 10 and 8 years-old respectively. They are enrolled at “La Lumière” school in Conakry. The girls are orphans. They first lost their father and a month later, their mother died. Since then, they have been living with their aunt.
Adama Oury, the eldest girl, has diabetes. Despite her health problems and the loss of their parents, she and her sister remain smiling and courageous. They have been supported by our Foundation since the start of the 2020-2021 school year.

Seny Justine Gomou, 8 years old, grade 3.
Seny Justine is an orphan. She lives with her aunt who is a housekeeper in Conakry and earns just $30 a month. Seny Justine is a very friendly little girl who would later like to become a nurse.

N’na Fadima, 9 years old, grade 4.
N’na Fadima is a very shy little girl who loves to go to school. Her mother is a vendor at a local market in Conakry and she hopes her daughter will have the chance that she never had, to finish high school.

Oumou Sylla, 7 years old, grade 1.
Oumou starts school this year (2019) and is very excited to learn how to read and write. Her mother, a saleswoman in a local market in Conakry, could not afford to enroll her in a good school so the Foundation is committed to supporting her through the end of secondary school, so she can benefit from a quality education.

Mariama Diallo, 8 years old, grade 1.
Mariama could not go to school at an age when all little girls should start because she lived in a remote village in Guinea where there was no school. She arrived in the Capital, Conakry in 2019 with her mother and has since been supported by the Foundation. She’s enrolled in one of the best private schools in Conakry, so that she can make up the time she lost and benefit from a high-quality education.